A collection of Kiona's glams throughout MSQ and some job glams~ Click the thumbnails for a larger picture!
Kiona Classic

The songbird glam is Kiona's A Realm Reborn look.
Kiona in Ishgard

This more modesty and cozy glam was chosen specially to protect against the cold winters of Ishgard in Heavensward.
Kiona Goes East

Kiona dons an eastern style for her trip to Kugane during Stormblood, as well as a lighter style for her time in the arid lands of Ala Mhigo!
Kiona In the First

After being pulled away to the First, Kiona opts not only for a wardrobe change, but also a haircut. Her casual style is meant for comfort, and new healing gear for serious adventures.
Kiona DoL

Kiona's glams for foraging as a Botanist, Mining, and Fishing, respectively!
Kiona DoH

Kiona mostly wears comfy clothes for her crafting classes, but prefers to dress more professionally for goldsmithing.

After meeting a beautiful machinist during her time in Ishgard, Kiona was inspired to take up the weapon herself. The second outfit is one she wears to clubs, bars, and other late night venues!
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